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STRAZH - SD and Police dog programs, 5-10-19. (07.10.19 16:59)

When discussing the idea of a new STRAZH, we always strive to preserve our "corporate" mood and holiday feeling. We undoubtedly put a lot of effort into this, I hope our guests and friends have felt it. The SD program was performed by 10 dogs this time, and I want to emphasize - they showed a high overall level. Always the classic SD version, which looks simple - it's not easy to implement. But there were good speeds at dogs, perseverance at conductors, excitement at decoys. Special thanks to the PARFORS team for preparing the Dobermans, unfortunately it is almost exotic now. So, let me share the results of the SD personal test: 1. Riesenschnauzer Gospodar Stayni Ratamahata 2. Malinois Gans 3. Doberman Richard 4. German Shepherd Ikar The team results were as follows: 1. Anteus 2. PARFORS Doberman Richard also received the Distinguished Performance Award in Breed A surprise was the number of dogs for the next program - Police dog! 20 pairs of participants started. There were also their exotics - a couple of Rottweilers. I want to outline the good handling of dogs, the purposefulness of the guides and the accuracy of the decoys. But I will not be verbose - to results! Let us share the results of the Police dog personal competition (two positions were awarded to two winners for absolutely equal points): 1. German Shepherd long coat - Aira 2. Malinois Gans // German Shepherd Dog Strazh Gosudarev Zlobnoe Naslediye Chabanov 3. German Shepherd Yuno Last Hathy 4. German Shepherd Dog Kerry von Haus Lynx // German Shepherd Dog Sniper Zlobnoe Naslediye Chabanov The team standings were as follows: 1. Anteus 2. Strazh 3. ZiK It is pleasing that both programs won females - Ratamahata and Aira. A kind of female conspiracy. We are grateful that the bright moments were always accompanied by cheering of the fans from all the teams, it is especially nice that after not very successful exercises - the cheering sounded also to keep the couple in the field. It's a real friendly atmosphere! And as stated in the closing remarks during the award, not everyone wins today, but everyone has the opportunity to win in the future. P.S. And the cake was fabulous